Our mission is to restore hope and enhance inclusion as we increase the quality of life for Adolescents/Young Adults (16-22)who are triumphing over physical (chronic /mental/palliative ) health conditions. We employ education and Skills for Life (inclusion, bullying,suicide/violence/substance abuse prevention and mental health support) via the Arts and Art Therapy. We exercise resources that will provide direction, assistance, FUN and a loving community of friends.
The King Me Foundation, Inc WILL be a blessing to Young Adults (16-22) that triumph daily over Chronic Migraines/Pain IC BLADDER PTSD/DEPRESSION (COVID-19) and Palliative Care Patients.
Chronic & Terminal health overpowers the mind & soul so our purpose is to help Youth (16-22) restore hope as they cope with life and the quality of it. We will include a monthly Birthday Celebration for the King Me Community.
Working with children-young adults is a Calling from God such as Motherhood. I never thought I would have the strength to volunteer in such a noble capacity. My Babies Jordan and Sire were both battling against painful chronic illnesses at the same time. We spent countless hours, days, months which turned into years at the hospitals, numerous Doctor appts. etc. All to no avail. I prayed without ceasing and yet, Jordan, my right ventricle transitioned to Heaven at 20yrs. old. We were, and some days still continue to be, devastated. Not knowing how to function destroyed me, but I still had to care for Sire who was battling 4 autoimmune chronic pain diseases too. My baby, I can't even explain it. I will never forget the lack of love from friends and the quality of life that they didn't have. What I can say is Jesus Christ completely healed and delivered Sire on February 25, 2018. She is a blessed testimony and doing Amazing things. She's a Master Cosmetologist and owns Reigning Naturals (Natural Goddess & Natural Adonis Hair & Skin Care Products) www.reigningnaturals.com In honor of them both (Her Destiny/His Legacy)The King Me Foundation, Inc was launched on King Jordan's 28th Birthday -December 24,2020.
Seamoss is a natural SUPER POWER and the effects on the body and organs may have made a positive impact for those who ha e added it to their daily health regiment. The fact thats it's a scrupulously delicious treat tops it off!
Claim us on Walmart.com and when you shop you can roundup your purchases to our Foundation. Thank you. Click link

